Raise Soccer IQ - Decision Making
Up to 30% improvement in just 6 weeks
4 - 12 minute sessions per week
Quicker reaction time
Faster game read
Improved decision-making under pressure
Increased anticipation & situational awareness
Player Analysis - Professional Feedback
Critical game time feedback
Player provided video of game footage
VEO or other video formats
Objective critique
Improvement Guidance
Realtime instruction
Performance Nutrition
Simple - Balanced Meal Plans & Snacks
Easy food substitution for kids & parents
Pre-game & post-game recovery meals
Performance supplements suggestions
Team Registered Dietician approved

Performance Training
Structured at-home workouts
Videos for every exercise
Training based on home equipment
Active stretching programs
Strength, Speed, Conditioning

Daily Habits
Repetitive Habit Reminders
Athletic & Personal Development
Delivered in-app keeps communication organized
Compliance Reporting & Tracking
What do we do?
At Coach Tony Merola, we offer the 1st complete off-field virtual player development program focused on technical coaching rather than tactical coaching. Our comprehensive model is designed to complement the club player and develop the player both mentally and physically. We work with many young athletes that belong to a club soccer team. You've invested a great deal of time and money in that club experience to give every option to your young athlete to improve and be the best player they can be. We are using proven techniques to deliver the best coaching and development to improve on-field performance.
- Quicker Reaction
- Better off-ball performance
- Quicker game read
- Better communication & positioning
- Greatly improved decision-making under pressure
- Increased focus and greater situational awareness
- Game time management - split attention needs
- Increased anticipation for improved reaction time
Challenges with Coaching Soccer
Challenges with coaching soccer remain that there just isn't enough time during practice for a club coach to cover everything that is needed to train both tactical skills and the technical skills and decision making skills needed. I know that because I've been a club coach for years, while managing coaches and teams at the highest level. This lack of time is no fault of the club coach, they are all working at the pace that is expected. I take my hat off to these club coaches every day, as I know what a challenge it is working with young athletes at all ability and skill levels. We have developed a unique combination of both technical coaching instruction, real player video, and direct coaching via video to deliver a powerful development program based on decision-making, or Soccer IQ.
The Solution
At Coach Tony Merola, we have developed a lifestyle and soccer development program "The Solution" that you can take home with you, and manage with your smartphone. Coach Tony Merola Soccer Development program address both physicality and decision-making skills.
The App
The app will help develop lifestyle and training habits for your athlete such as; strength & conditioning geared for your individual athlete with both full exercise descriptions and videos. Nutrition guidance with meal planning allows you and your athlete to make the best choices in recovery and development from nutrition. Habit-forming reminders that contain critical descriptions and explanations on decision making, all with video support direct from Coach Tony Merola. Your athlete will get in-app messaging that reminds them of key times to eat healthy snacks, important stretching habits, and other game IQ enhancing messages.
Decision Making Development
- Participate 10 - 12 min daily
- Complete daily habit-forming tasks