
Parents Guide to
Supporting Elite Athletes

This initial module is FREE to anyone, it is a Parent's Guide to Supporting Elite Athletes. Our aim is to provide parents with insight and critical points to make both their experience and their child's experience the best possible while supporting their child's goals and aspirations of becoming an elite athlete.

Our guide has been developed by leading psychologists, Club level coaches, and advisors to bring you the best-in-class guide to support your elite athlete. This guide or lesson plan will help you identify key points where you could potentially do better to support your child both on and off the field or court. Being a parent of an elite athlete, or developing athlete comes with many challenges. There isn't an owner's manual or guidebook per se, that helps you as a parent navigate these different challenges and elements. As a parent, you are left to deal with no less than:

  • school
  • practice
  • private or advanced coaching
  • conditioning
  • nutrition - how do you feed your kid - development, pre and post-game recovery, and so much more
  • playing time
  • coach personality challenges
  • sideline manners

All of this and more presents its own set of challenges and it can become overwhelming. Not to mention if you are doing this with more than one child working to become an elite athlete, then you are just multiplying the list.

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